Frame Measuring with Verification

We can measure and verify the integrity of motorcycle frames. We provide a certificate with the frame's measurement for you and your clients.

Click for more info.

Frame Straightening

If a frame needs to be straightened, we have the
right equipment for the job. We compliment
dealership services by offering use of this very
special equipment.
There are only two of these in California!

Click for more info.

In House Painting and Striping

Painting, striping and plastic repair are all completed in house.

Pick up and Delivery Service

If a motorcycle isn't drivable, we can pick it up from your dealership, the deliver it back to you after we perform the service you request.

Call For Details (626) 376-4457

Mobile Frame Measuring

If after an accident, the integrity a motorcycle's frame is in question, we can measure it and provide verification to the dealership and to the customer. Because we use the latest measuring equipment, the Mega m.a.x, we can even come to the your dealership to provide this valuable service. Service managers, call for pricing 7 days a week. (909) 261-4290 (Cell)

Secure Storage

When a bike isn't being worked on and over night, it is secure in our locked storage area.

Mobile Estimating

We can come to your dealership to provide an estimate on damage to a motorcycle. Our goal is to help you provide the very best for your customer.


Our workmanship includes a Warranty.

Click to enlarge

Insurance Claim Handling

We have 35 years experience working with insurance companies and helping customers through the claims process. We work with many Direct Repair Programs and understand the importance of following the Insurance Company's process.